
PISCO Company Ltd is a well - established company, we has developed a reputation for providing some of the highest levels of proficiency and services of electrical/automation and mechanical services on industrial sectors, office building, commercial, residential buildings.

Our teams of highly experienced engineers operate mainly in Southern of the country, providing supports, when and where it is required to ensure that any problems or unforeseen difficulties can be overcome quickly and efficiently.

We offer a wide range of Mechanical and Electrical preventive and corrective maintenance contracting especially for the services in industrial sectors with the right equipment, qualified manpower and precise methodology. No matter how small or large, all of our service options are totally flexible and designed specifically for our customer needs, giving Client choice and great value, allow us to take on challenging projects around the country.

Our services is also carefully delivered, measured, managed and monitored by our senior and highly experienced management team.

The aims of our services is to help our clients optimize the availability, reliability, extend life span of their equipment and prevent breakdowns and efficiency of their equipment and systems.

Our Solutions

  • Troubleshooting and major repairs
  • Planned preventive maintenance
  • Testing and commissioning
  • Technical audits and surveys
  • Small and medium size contracting projects
  • Supplying of Spare-parts

Service provided

  • Testing of MV switchgears, Power Transformers
  • LV Switchgear Supply and Installations
  • Lighting and Lighting Upgrades
  • Building Management Systems
  • Standby Generators
  • U.P.S Systems
  • Earthing & Lightning Protection Systems
  • Automation system that included:

-         PLC control system
-         SCADA system
-         DCS system
-         MCC and motion control

  • HVAC system